
Only donate in a time of need

Instead of making an instant one-off donation or even donating continuously, you can nominate yourself as a Próspera resident who is ready to help. So, get in touch with us to say you are a "willing donor with an amount of x". As a "willing donor", you will only be contacted if there is a real emergency. You can then decide if you would like to contribute a portion of your commitment to help with this emergency. This can happen in cases classed as "other emergency situations", as well as in larger "medical emergencies" or as soon as the organization runs out of funds for existing emergencies.

This is how we would like to reach more potential donors and also possibly acquire more aid for emergency incidents (for example, a natural disaster). Furthermore, this will lead to our donors having more control over the organization and more participation.

Donating immediately

You will be able to do this from January 2021 but we would be very happy for you to register as a "willing donor" now.

Stay in touch with us. → Newsletter


Of course, you can also help through your work, for example, with us in the organization or as a doctor. Simply get in touch with us!

Donor Certificate

As a donor, you may obtain an online certificate about your donation(s) upon request. You can use it to send out a signal to others, for example, to other residents as a sign of your commitment and solidarity or to customers as a token of your charitable engagements, etc.

Our vision is that, in a city without a welfare state, donations are viewed favorably and those who wish to show this are able to.